
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Tender object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
communication Comunicación

Modalidades de comunicación sobre eventos clave.

Communication object


The extension defines these fields in the Lot object from the Lotes extension:

Field Title Description Type(s)
communication Comunicación

Modalities of communication about key events for this lot.

Communication object


The extension defines a new Communication object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
atypicalToolName Atypical tool name

The name of the tools and devices that are not generally available and that are required to communicate electronically with the buyer.

atypicalToolUrl URL de herramienta atípica

The URL of the tools and devices that are not generally available and that are required to communicate electronically with the buyer.

noticePreferredPublicationDate Notice preferred publication date

The buyer's preferred date of publication of the notice (e.g. to avoid publication during a national holiday).

futureNoticeDate Fecha de notificación futura

The estimated date of publication of the next sequential notice. For example, the next sequential notice for a planning notice might be a competition notice.

invitationToConfirmInterestDispatchDate Invitation to confirm interest dispatch date

The estimated date of dispatch from the buyer to potential suppliers of the invitations to confirm interest. For example, when a planning notice is used as a call for competition, the buyer might simultaneously invite the potential suppliers that have expressed their interest to confirm their continuing interest.

documentAvailabilityPeriod Período de disponibilidad del documento

El período durante el cual los documentos pueden ser accedidos o durante el cual se pueden presentar peticiones de acceso a los documentos.

Period object