

You can download the +documentType.csv file in English.

The extension adds these codes to the documentType.csv codelist.

Código Título Descripción
legislation Legislation

A general regulatory framework applicable in the place where the contract is to be performed. For example, tax legislation, environmental protection legislation or employment protection and working conditions legislation.



You can download the +itemClassificationScheme.csv file in English.

The extension adds these codes to the itemClassificationScheme.csv codelist.

Código Título Descripción
eu-vehicle-category European Union vehicle category

The category of vehicle falling within the scope of the EU Clean Vehicles Directive 2009/33/EC.

eu-cvd-contract-type European Union Clean Vehicle Directive contract type

The category of contract according to the EU Clean Vehicles Directive 2009/33/EC.



You can download the +milestoneType.csv file in English.

The extension adds these codes to the milestoneType.csv codelist.

Código Título Descripción
securityClearanceDeadline Fecha límite de habilitación de seguridad

Los licitantes podrán obtener su habilitación de seguridad hasta esta fecha.


You can download the +partyRole.csv file in English.

The extension adds these codes to the partyRole.csv codelist.

Código Título Descripción
mediationBody Organismo de mediación

El organismo responsable de los procedimientos de mediación.

centralPurchasingBody Organismo central de compras

La entidad contratante que proporciona actividades de compra centralizadas y, posiblemente, actividades de compra auxiliares.

processContactPoint Punto de contacto de proceso

Un punto de contacto dedicado a este proceso de contratación.

reviewContactPoint Punto de contacto de revisión

El servicio del cual se puede obtener información sobre el procedimiento de revisión.

selectedParticipant Participante seleccionado

An organization that has already been selected to participate in the design contest.

procurementServiceProvider Procurement service provider

An organization that provides ancillary procurement services to buyers.

eSender TED eSender

An organization that provides data transfer services to buyers.

leadBuyer Lead buyer

The lead buyer in a group of buyers.

leadTenderer Lead tenderer

The lead tenderer in the case of a consortium or equivalent.

evaluationBody Evaluation body

The organization responsible for evaluating bids or requests to participate.

submissionReceiptBody Submission receipt body

The organization responsible for receiving bids or requests to participate.


You can download the +relatedProcessScheme.csv file in English.

The extension adds these codes to the relatedProcessScheme.csv codelist.

Código Título Descripción
eu-oj Official Journal of the European Union

An Official Journal of the European Union contracting process identifier.


You can download the sources.csv file in English.

Código Título Descripción
epo-notice Notice


epo-procurement-document Procurement Document

Procurement Document

epo-sub-espd European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)

European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)