
Implementa campos y código que son específicos de la legislación europea.

For complete guidance on meeting the disclosure requirements of European law, see OCDS for eForms for the 2019 regulation, or OCDS for European Union for the 2015 regulation.


  "parties": [
      "details": {
        "url": "",
        "buyerProfile": ""
      "roles": [
      "name": "Royal Tax Office",
      "id": "08797655",
      "contactPoint": {
        "name": "Crown Commercial Service",
        "email": "",
        "url": ""
      "roles": [
  "bids": {
    "details": [
        "id": "1",
        "foreignSubsidyMeasures": "fsr-stand"
  "tender": {
    "contractPeriod": {
      "description": "unknown"
    "reviewDetails": "NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership on behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board will allow a minimum 10 calendar day standstill period between notifying the award decision and awarding the contract.",
    "valueCalculationMethod": "Income from the sales of tickets over the duration of the contract minus the fees paid to the procuring entity.",
    "items": [
        "id": "item-1",
        "description": "Printer ink cartridges",
        "classification": {
          "scheme": "CPV",
          "id": "45233130.0",
          "description": "Office supplies",
          "uri": ""
    "legislativeReferences": [
        "title": "Direct taxation in the EU",
        "url": "",
        "informationService": {
          "name": "Royal Tax Office",
          "id": "08797655"
    "lots": [
        "id": "lot-1",
        "awardPeriod": {
          "durationInDays": 30,
          "startDate": "2020-11-06T00:00:00Z",
          "endDate": "2020-12-06T00:00:00Z"
        "contractPeriod": {
          "description": "unknown"
        "additionalClassifications": [
            "id": "oth-serv-contr",
            "scheme": "eu-cvd-contract-type",
            "description": "Other service contract"
    "milestones": [
        "id": "1",
        "type": "securityClearanceDeadline",
        "dueDate": "2020-11-19T00:00:00Z"
    "documents": [
        "id": "Fiscal1",
        "documentType": "legislation"
    "selectionCriteria": {
      "sources": [
    "exclusionGrounds": {
      "sources": [
  "awards": [
      "id": "award-1",
      "valueCalculationMethod": "The awarded value takes into account the growing revenue expected from fees and the value of the equipment provided by the contracting authority.",
      "items": [
          "id": "1",
          "additionalClassifications": [
              "scheme": "eu-vehicle-category",
              "id": "n2-n3",
              "description": "Truck (N2-N3)"
  "contracts": [
      "id": "contract-1",
      "periodRationale": "The duration of the contract has been extended to anticipate the exceptional snowfall expected in January.",
      "publicPassengerTransportServicesKilometers": 765,
      "awardID": "award-1"
  "relatedProcesses": [
      "id": "1",
      "identifier": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
      "scheme": "eu-oj",
      "relationship": [


Reporte issues para esta extensión en el repositorio de extensiones ocds, poniendo el nombre de la extensión en el título del issue.

Registro de cambios


  • Add Bid.foreignSubsidyMeasures field.
  • Add foreignSubsidyMeasures.csv codelist.
  • Remove Item.deliveryAddresses field (now in Location extension).


  • Add fields:
    • SelectionCriteria.sources
    • ExclusionGrounds.sources
  • Add sources.csv codelist


  • Add fields:
    • Organization.eDeliveryGateway
    • Lot.hasAccessibilityCriteria
    • Lot.noAccessibilityCriteriaRationale
    • Lot.reviewDetails


  • Add Period.description field.
  • Add codes:
    • classificationScheme.csv:
      • 'eu-vehicle-category'
      • 'eu-cvd-contract-type'
    • documentType.csv:
      • 'legislation'
    • partyRole.csv:
      • 'procurementServiceProvider'
      • 'eSender'
      • 'leadBuyer'
      • 'leadTenderer'
      • 'evaluationBody'
      • 'submissionReceiptBody'
    • relatedProcessScheme.csv:
      • 'eu-oj'
  • Move 'informationService' from the +partyRole.csv codelist to the Document publisher extension.


  • Move Lot.minimumValue to the Lots extension as Lot.minValue.


  • Establecer el tipo de objeto de informationService a OrganizationReference.
  • Agregar el código 'informationService' a la lista de códigos + partyRole.csv.


  • Add Lot.awardPeriod field.


  • Add Lot.minimumValue field.


  • Agregue el código 'securityClearanceDeadline' a la lista de códigos + milestoneType.csv.


  • Add Item.deliveryAddresses field.


  • Agregar las propiedades minProperties, minItems y/o minLength.

Esta extensión se discutió originalmente como parte del [OCDS para el perfil de la UE] (, en este issue y en pull requests.