
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines a new BudgetBreakdown object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Identifier

An identifier for this particular budget entry.

string or integer
description Description

A short free text description of this budget entry.

amount Amount

The value of the budget line item. A positive amount means the source organization funds a future contracting process. A negative amount means a future contracting process pays the source organization.

Value object
uri Linked budget information

A URI pointing directly to a machine-readable information about this budget entry.

period Budget period

The period covered by this budget entry.

Period object
sourceParty Source organization

The organization providing the funds for this budget entry. The corresponding entry in the parties array must have 'sourceParty' in its roles array.

OrganizationReference object


The extension defines these fields in the Budget object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
budgetBreakdown Budget breakdown

A detailed breakdown of the budget by period and/or participating funders.

array of BudgetBreakdown objects