
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Implementation object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
financialProgress Financial progress

The financial progress section allows high-level and detailed information on amounts committed or spent to date for this particular contract. This may be used alongside the transactions section, which allows for details of each individual payment to be recorded.

financialProgress.totalSpend Total spend

The total spend on this contract at the date of last update. Note that the exact fiscal measure this number represents may vary between data publishers (e.g. amount invoiced vs. amount transferred to the bank account of the supplier).

Value object
financialProgress.measures Measures

This measures section reports aggregated financial progress figures for this contract (i.e. without breakdown by budget classifications). Measures must be provided as a set of key-value pairs, where the key should be the name of the measure used within a related Fiscal Data Package dataset or other budget and spending dataset. The value is the value of this measure when last updated, and must be provided as a number in the same default currency as any aggregate reported budget or spending figures.

financialProgress.measures.[A-Za-z0-9._-] number
financialProgress.breakdown Financial progress breakdown

This section contains a breakdown of financial progress, allowing various measures (amount invoiced, amount accrued, amount paid etc.) to be disaggregated by source, period and budget classification

array of FinancialProgressBreakdown objects


The extension defines a new FinancialProgressBreakdown object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Identifier

An identifier for this particular financial progress breakdown entry.

string or integer
description Description

A short free text description of this financial progress breakdown. This may be displayed in user interfaces to help users interpret this entry. This may be automatically generated from structured data or may be manually entered.

period Budget period

The period covered by this financial progress breakdown entry. This information may also be duplicated using classifications where relevant.

Period object
classifications Budget classifications

Budget classifications must be provided as a set of key-value pairs, where the key is a dimension (or the label of a dimension) used in budget classification, and the value is the value of that dimension for this contracting process or specific contract (depending on the point within an OCDS file at which the classification is provided).

classifications.[A-Za-z0-9._-] string or number
measures measures

Measures must be provided as a set of key-value pairs, where the key should be the name of the measure used within a related Fiscal Data Package dataset or other budget and spending dataset. The value is the value of this measure when last updated, and must be provided as a number in the same default currency as any aggregate reported budget or spending figures.

measures.[A-Za-z0-9._-] number
fiscalBreakdownFieldMapping FiscalBreakdownFieldMapping object


The extension defines these fields in the BudgetBreakdown object from the Budget Breakdown extension:

Field Title Description Type(s)
classifications Budget classifications

Budget classifications must be provided as a set of key-value pairs, where the key is a dimension (or the label of a dimension) used in budget classification, and the value is the value of that dimension for this contracting process or specific contract (depending on the point within an OCDS file at which the classification is provided).

classifications.[A-Za-z0-9._-] string or number
measures measures

Measures must be provided as a set of key-value pairs, where the key should be the name of the measure used within a related Fiscal Data Package dataset or other budget and spending dataset. The value is the value of this measure when last updated, and must be provided as a number in the same default currency as any aggregate reported budget or spending figures.

measures.[A-Za-z0-9._-] number
fiscalBreakdownFieldMapping FiscalBreakdownFieldMapping object