
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines a new Risk object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Risk ID

A local identifier for this risk, unique within this block. This field is used to keep track of multiple revisions of a risk through the compilation from release to record mechanism.

string or integer
category Risk category

The category of the risk, from the riskCategory codelist.

string from open riskCategory codelist
description Risk description

The description of the risk.

allocation Risk allocation

The party to the contract that retains the risk.

string from closed riskAllocation codelist
notes Risk notes

Additional notes on the risk, for example the rationale for the allocation.



The extension defines these fields in the Contract object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
riskAllocation Risk allocation

Information on the allocation of risks relating to the contract.

array of Risk objects