
Adds an object to the tender and lot objects to describe the assets used for the provision of public services.


If you are using the Lots extension, follow its guidance on whether to use tender.lots fields or tender fields.

In the European Union, this extension's fields correspond to Article 4, clause 4 of Regulation 1370/2007 and eForms OPP-020-Contract (Assets related contract extension indicator), OPP-021-Contract (Used asset), OPP-022-Contract (Significance (%)), and OPP-023-Contract (Predominance (%)).For correspondences to eForms fields, see OCDS for eForms. For correspondences to Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), see OCDS for the European Union.



  "tender": {
    "hasEssentialAssets": true,
    "essentialAssets": {
      "description": "Significant investments have been made by the supplier in the past years and will continue to be so in the future, which will pay for themselves over a period of time well beyond the period of the contract. It includes the purchase of new vehicles, the maintenance of the modernization of the existing fleet and the renovation of the vehicle depots.",
      "significance": "30",
      "predominance": "40"


  "tender": {
    "lots": [
        "id": "LOT-0001",
        "hasEssentialAssets": true,
        "essentialAssets": [
            "description": "Significant investments have been made by the supplier in the past years and will continue to be so in the future, which will pay for themselves over a period of time well beyond the period of the contract. It includes the purchase of new vehicles, the maintenance of the modernization of the existing fleet and the renovation of the vehicle depots.",
            "significance": "30",
            "predominance": "40"


Reporte issues para esta extensión en el repositorio de extensiones ocds, poniendo el nombre de la extensión en el título del issue.

Registro de cambios


  • Change Lot.essentialAssets from an object to an array.


  • Add essentialAssets and hasEssentialAssets to the Lot object.


  • Agregar las propiedades minProperties, minItems y/o minLength.

Esta extensión se discutió originalmente como parte del OCDS para el perfil de la UE en issue #60 y en pull requests.