
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Planning object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
project Información de proyecto

Information about the infrastructure or public-private partnership project to which the planning process is related.

Project object


The extension defines a new Project object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Identifier

An externally provided identifier for the project. This can be a URI, an identifier from a projects register, or based on the canonical version of the project's name. Project identifiers should be unique within the scope of the publication.

title Title

The name of the project. If a projects register is available, this should be the same as the project's name in that register.

description Description

A short description of the project.

totalValue Total value

The total anticipated value of the project over its lifetime.

Value object
uri URI

The URI of a resource with additional information about the project.

sector Sector

The primary sector to which the project relates. It is recommended to use the scheme 'oc4idsProjectSector' and codes from the OC4IDS projectSector codelist.

Classification object
additionalClassifications Additional classifications

Additional classifications for the project. For example, a sector or strategic framework classification.

array of Classification objects
locations Locations

Information about the locations where the project is taking place.

array of Location objects