
Adds a beneficial owners array to the organization object to indicate the beneficial owners of an organization.

If beneficial ownership (BO) information is collected via contracting processes, then this extension is appropriate: for example, if tenderers are obligated to disclose their beneficial owners within their bid submission. Similarly, to use this extension, the laws in your jurisdiction must permit the publication of personal identifiers.

You can find the complete guidance on publishing personal identifiers in the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard documentation

On the other hand, if BO information is collected in a central register via other means, then it is recommended to publish that information as a separate dataset. The BO dataset and the OCDS dataset should identify organizations in the same way, so that users can cross-reference the datasets. The BO dataset can follow the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard.


With nationality

The beneficial owner's nationality is disclosed.

  "parties": [
      "id": "AHL",
      "name": "Alpha Holdings Ltd",
      "beneficialOwners": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Juan Perez",
          "identifier": {
            "scheme": "PRY-IDCARD",
            "id": "12345"
          "nationalities": [
          "address": {
            "streetAddress": "Avenida Eusebio Ayala 1347",
            "locality": "Asunción",
            "region": "Gran Asunción",
            "postalCode": "1001",
            "countryName": "Paraguay"
          "email": "",
          "faxNumber": "+595210000001",
          "telephone": "+595210000000"

Without nationality

The beneficial owner's nationality is not disclosed because the organization is listed on a regulated market (e.g. a stock exchange) that ensures adequate transparency in line with anti-money laundering legislation.

  "parties": [
      "id": "AHL",
      "name": "Alpha Holdings Ltd",
      "beneficialOwners": [
          "id": "1",
          "name": "Juan Perez",
          "identifier": {
            "scheme": "PRY-IDCARD",
            "id": "12345"
          "address": {
            "streetAddress": "Avenida Eusebio Ayala 1347",
            "locality": "Asunción",
            "region": "Gran Asunción",
            "postalCode": "1001",
            "countryName": "Paraguay"
          "email": "",
          "faxNumber": "+595210000001",
          "telephone": "+595210000000"
      "details": {
        "listedOnRegulatedMarket": true


Report issues for this extension in the ocds-extensions repository, putting the extension's name in the issue's title.



  • Replace nationality string with nationalities array.


  • Add a country.csv codelist for nationality.


  • Add fields:
    • Person.address
    • Person.faxNumber
    • Person.telephone
    • Organization.details.listedOnRegulatedMarket