
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Item object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
activeIngredients Active ingredients

The active ingredients, typically chemical compounds or biological substances.

array of ActiveIngredient objects
dosageForm Dosage form

The dosage form in which the medicine is available, from the dosageForm codelist.

string from open dosageForm codelist
administrationRoute Administration route

The route by which the medicine can be administered, from the administrationRoute codelist.

string from open administrationRoute codelist
immediateContainer Immediate container

The immediate container for the medicine. Also known as: presentation, presentation form, package.

ImmediateContainer object


The extension defines a new ActiveIngredient object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
name Name

The name of the active ingredient. It is recommended to use the lowercase Latin name from the International Nonproprietary Names (INN). Also known as: generic name, drug, substance name, active substance.

strength Strength

The strength of the active ingredient. Also known as: concentration, potency.

Quantity object


The extension defines a new ImmediateContainer object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
name Name

The common name of the container, from the immediate container codelist.

string from open immediateContainer codelist
capacity Capacity

The storage capacity of the container.

Quantity object


The extension defines a new Quantity object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
unit Unit

The unit of measurement for the quantity.

SimpleUnit object
value Value

The quantity, as a multiple of the unit of measurement. The quantity is expressed in interval notation, for example: "[10,10]" for 10 units, "[1,10]" for 1 to 10 units, or "[10,INF[" for 10 or more units.

string or number


The extension defines a new SimpleUnit object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
scheme Scheme

The scheme or codelist from which the identifier for the unit of measurement is taken, using the open unitClassificationScheme codelist. 'UNCEFACT' is recommended.

string from open unitClassificationScheme codelist
id ID

The identifier for the unit of measurement, taken from the scheme. Refer to the unitClassificationScheme codelist for details of how to find identifiers within schemes.
