
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Planning object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
forecasts Forecasts

Any forecasts metrics for a future contracting process.

array of Metric objects


The extension defines these fields in the Tender object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
targets Targets

Any target metrics for this contracting process.

array of Metric objects


The extension defines these fields in the Award object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
agreedMetrics Agreed metrics

Any target metrics set out as part of the contract award.

array of Metric objects


The extension defines these fields in the Contract object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
agreedMetrics Agreed metrics

Any target metrics set out as part of the contract documents.

array of Metric objects


The extension defines these fields in the Implementation object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
metrics Metrics

Reported results from the delivery of the contracted goods, works or services.

array of Metric objects


The extension defines a new Metric object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Identifier

An identifier for this metric. In some cases this may be drawn from a codelist of metrics required for this type of contracting process, or in other instances may be an arbitrary identifier.

title Title

The title of this metric

description Description

A short description of the metric. This may include short details of measurement methods.

observations Observations

An array of target or actual values for this metric.

array of Observation objects


The extension defines a new Observation object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Identifier

A local identifier for this specific observation. This may be an arbitrary identifier, or could be a composite of the metric identifier, and the date and other dimensions of this observation.

period Period

The period over which this observation is measured.

Period object
value Value

For financial metrics, the value of this forecast, target or actual observation.

Value object
measure Measure

For non-financial metrics, the measure of this forecast, target or actual observation. Measures may be provided as free text or numerical values.

string or number
unit Unit


object Unit name

The name of the unit.

unit.scheme Scheme

The list from which units of measure identifiers are taken. It is recommended to use the scheme 'UNCEFACT' and codes from the UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 list of "Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade".

string from open unitClassificationScheme codelist ID

The identifier from the codelist referenced in the scheme field. For example, with UNCEFACT, this is the value of the 'Common Code' column. From this identifier, applications can look-up the human readable name or symbol for this unit of measure.

unit.uri URI

If the scheme used provide a machine-readable URI for this unit of measure, this can be given.

dimensions Dimensions

Any number of dimensions can be recorded within this object. Dimensions names should follow the camelCase conventions of OCDS.

dimensions.^.* string
notes Notes

Any notes on this observation. This may include clarifying information.

relatedImplementationMilestone Related implementation milestone

A link to the milestone in the implementation section of OCDS to which this forecast, target or actual observation relates.

MilestoneReference object


The extension defines a new MilestoneReference object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Milestone ID

The ID of the milestone being referenced, this must match the ID of a milestone described elsewhere in a release about this contracting process.

title Milestone title

The title of the milestone being referenced, this must match the title of a milestone described elsewhere in a release about this contracting process.
