
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines a new PerformanceFailure object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
id Identifier

A local identifier for this specific category and period of performance failure. This field is used to keep track of revisions of a charge across multiple OCDS releases.

period Performance failure period

The reporting period for the performance failures.

Period object
category Performance failure category

The category of the performance failures.

events Number of events

The number of performance failures for this period and category.

penaltyContracted Contracted penalty

A description of the penalty or abatement provided for in the contract for this period, category and number of performance failures.

penaltyImposed Penalty imposed

A description of the penalty or abatement imposed for this period, category and number of performance failures.

penaltyPaid Penalty paid

Whether the penalty imposed for this period, category and number of performance failures has been paid.



The extension defines these fields in the Implementation object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
performanceFailures Performance failure disclosures

An array of performance failure disclosures, detailing performance failures for different periods and categories.

array of PerformanceFailure objects