
Adds a submission terms object to the tender and lot objects, to describe how, when and where the tenderers must submit their bids.

In the European Union, this extension's fields correspond to eForms BG-102 (Submission Terms). For correspondences to eForms fields, see OCDS for eForms. For correspondences to Tenders Electronic Daily (TED), see OCDS for the European Union.


  "tender": {
    "submissionTerms": {
      "electronicSubmissionPolicy": "notAllowed",
      "advancedElectronicSignatureRequired": false,
      "electronicCatalogPolicy": "notAllowed",
      "variantPolicy": "notAllowed",
      "multipleBidsAllowed": true,
      "languages": [
      "bidValidityPeriod": {
        "startDate": "2019-09-20T00:00:00Z",
        "endDate": "2019-12-02T23:59:59Z",
        "durationInDays": 74
      "depositsGuarantees": "An on-demand performance bond issued by an entity that the Contracting Entity judges to be acceptable (e.g. a bank or insurance company) and whose value is a percentage of the total contract price.",
      "subcontractingClauses": [
      "nonElectronicSubmission": {
        "address": {
          "streetAddress": "Town Hall, St Aldate's",
          "region": "Oxfordshire",
          "locality": "Oxford",
          "postalCode": "OX1 1BX",
          "countryName": "United Kingdom"
        "rationale": "Inclusion of a physical model"


Report issues for this extension in the ocds-extensions repository, putting the extension's name in the issue's title.



  • Rename electronicCataloguePolicy to electronicCatalogPolicy.


  • Add SubmissionTerms.nonElectronicSubmission field.
  • Remove SubmissionTerms.nonElectronicSubmissionRationale field.


  • Define "electronic catalog" for the electronicCatalogPolicy field.


  • Add fields for eForms:
    • SubmissionTerms.advancedElectronicSignatureRequired
    • SubmissionTerms.multipleBidsAllowed
    • SubmissionTerms.nonElectronicSubmissionRationale
    • SubmissionTerms.subcontractingClauses


  • Rename requiresGuarantees to depositsGuarantees.
  • Change the type of depositsGuarantees from a boolean to a string, to match the type of the corresponding XML element in TED XML Schema 2.09.


  • Add minProperties, minItems and/or minLength properties.

This extension was originally discussed as part of the OCDS for EU profile and in pull requests.