

You can download the sustainabilityGoal.csv file in English.

Code Title Description
economic Economic

The goal is economic, such as formal employment and the local economy.

economic.formalEmploymentPromotion Formal employment promotion

The goal is to promote formal employment.

economic.innovativePurchase Innovative purchase

The goal is to procure innovative goods, services or works.

economic.localEconomyPromotion Local economy promotion

The goal is to promote the local economy.

economic.marketInnovationPromotion Market innovation promotion

The goal is to promote market innovation.

economic.processInnovationPromotion Process innovation promotion

The goal is to procure goods, services or works that entail process innovation.

economic.productInnovationPromotion Product innovation promotion

The goal is to procure goods, services or works that entail product innovation.

economic.researchDevelopmentActivities Research and development activities

The goal is to procure goods, services or works that involve research and development activities.

environmental Environmental

The goal is to minimize and, if possible, avoid environmental damage: for example, reducing CO2 emissions and waste or promoting resource reuse and energy efficiency.

environmental.biodiversityProtectionRestoration Biodiversity protection and restoration

The goal is to protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems.

environmental.carbonEmissionsReduction Carbon emissions reduction

The goal is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

environmental.circularEconomy Circular economy

The goal is to promote the transition to a circular economy.

environmental.climateChangeAdaptation Climate change adaptation

The goal is to promote climate change adaptation.

environmental.climateChangeMitigation Climate change mitigation

The goal is to promote climate change mitigation.

environmental.energyEfficiency Energy efficiency

The goal is to promote energy efficiency.

environmental.pollutionPrevention Pollution prevention

The goal is to prevent pollution.

environmental.recycling Recycling

The goal is to promote recycling.

environmental.resourceReuse Resource reuse

The goal is to maximize the reuse of resources.

environmental.waterResourcesProtection Water resources protection

The goal is to promote the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources.

environmental.wasteReduction Waste reduction

The goal is to reduce waste.

social Social

The goal is to generate benefits to society: for example, promoting labor rights, diversity and equal opportunity, and occupational health and safety.

social.accessibility Accessibility

The goal is to promote accessibility for disabled and not disabled persons.

social.disadvantagedEmploymentOpportunities Disadvantaged employment opportunities

The goal is to promote employment opportunities for the long-term unemployed, disadvantaged and/or for persons with disabilities.

social.ethnicEquality Ethnic equality

The goal is to promote ethnic equality.

social.genderEquality Gender equality

The goal is to promote gender equality.

social.humanRightsInSupplyChains Human rights in supply chains

The goal is to promote human rights due diligence in global supply chains.

social.laborRightsPromotion Labor rights promotion

The goal is to promote labor rights.

social.smeInclusion SME inclusion

The goal is to promote the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

social.womenInclusion Women inclusion

The goal is to promote the participation of women-owned suppliers.


You can download the sustainabilityStrategy.csv file in English.

Code Title Description
awardCriteria Award criteria

Award criteria are used to pursue sustainability goals: for example, allocating points relative to the percentage of recycled materials.

contractPerformanceConditions Contract performance conditions

Contract performance conditions are used to pursue sustainability goals: for example, requiring the supplier to monitor carbon emissions during the contract's implementation.

marginOfPreference Margin of preference

Margins of preference are used to pursue sustainability goals: for example, accepting the bid of a local supplier that is within a margin of the lowest bid.

reservedParticipation Reserved participation

Reserved participation is used to pursue sustainability goals: for example, allowing only SMEs to participate in the contracting process.

selectionCriteria Selection criteria

Selection criteria are used to fulfill sustainability goals: for example, requiring a bidder to have a sustainability certificate.

technicalSpecifications Technical specifications

Items' technical specifications are used to pursue sustainability goals: for example, requiring a product to have an energy efficiency certificate.

euGPPCriteria EU GPP criteria

Green public procurement criteria established at the European Union-level are used to pursue sustainability goals. Criteria can include selection criteria, technical specifications, award criteria and contract performance clauses.

nationalGPPCriteria National GPP criteria

Green public procurement criteria established at the national level are used to pursue sustainability goals. Criteria can include selection criteria, technical specifications, award criteria and contract performance clauses.

otherGPPCriteria Other GPP criteria

Green public procurement criteria established at a level other than the European Union or national levels are used to pursue sustainability goals. Criteria can include selection criteria, technical specifications, award criteria and contract performance clauses.