
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines a new Sustainability object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
description Description

A description of how the contracting process or lot incorporates Sustainable Public Procurement.

goal Goal

The sustainability goal pursued, from the sustainabilityGoal codelist. New sub-codes may be used outside those in the codelist, following the format [existing-code].[sub-code].

string from open sustainabilityGoal codelist
strategies Strategies

The strategies used to pursue the sustainability goal(s), from the sustainabilityStrategy codelist.

array of strings from open sustainabilityStrategy codelist


The extension defines these fields in the Tender object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
hasSustainability Has sustainability

Whether the contracting process incorporates Sustainable Public Procurement.

sustainability Sustainability

Information about how the contracting process incorporates Sustainable Public Procurement.

array of Sustainability objects


The extension defines these fields in the Lot object from the Lots extension:

Field Title Description Type(s)
hasSustainability Has sustainability

Whether the lot incorporates Sustainable Public Procurement.

sustainability Sustainability

Information about how the lot incorporates Sustainable Public Procurement.

array of Sustainability objects