
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Implementation object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
endDate Fecha de fin

The actual date when contract implementation ended. Where implementation/endDate varies from the anticipated contracts/period/endDate an explanation of the variance should be provided in implementation/endDateDetails.

endDateDetails Detalles de fecha de término

Detalles relacionados con la endDate. Esto puede justificar que la fecha de cumplimento del contrato sea diferente a la del contrato original.

finalValue Valor final

The actual total value of all payments for a completed contract. If implementation/transactions are used for this contract, this field should equal the sum of the transaction/value/amount fields. Where finalValue/amount varies from contracts/value/amount an explanation of the variance should be provided in finalValueDetails.

Value object
finalValueDetails Final value details

Detalles relacionados al valor final. Esto puede ser una justificación del cambio del valor del contrato terminado contra el valor en el contrato original.
