
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Implementation object from OCDS:

Field Title Description Type(s)
endDate End date

The actual date when contract implementation ended. Where implementation/endDate varies from the anticipated contracts/period/endDate an explanation of the variance should be provided in implementation/endDateDetails.

endDateDetails End date details

Details related to the endDate. This may be a justification for the contract's completion date being different than in the original contract.

finalValue Final value

The actual total value of all payments for a completed contract. If implementation/transactions are used for this contract, this field should equal the sum of the transaction/value/amount fields. Where finalValue/amount varies from contracts/value/amount an explanation of the variance should be provided in finalValueDetails.

Value object
finalValueDetails Final value details

Details related to the final value. This may be a justification for the completed contract's value being different than in the original contract.
