

You can download the awardCriterionFixed.csv file in English.

Code Title Description
total Fixed (total)

The number is the fixed price or fixed cost for the bid. For example: "The price of a bid must be $100,000."

unit Fixed (per unit)

The number is the fixed price or fixed cost for a unit. For example: "The price of each widget must be $100."


You can download the awardCriterionType.csv file in English.

Code Title Description
price Price

The criterion concerns the acquisition price of the bid.

cost Cost

The criterion concerns any other non-price monetary attribute of the bid.

quality Quality

The criterion concerns a non-price, non-cost attribute of the bid.


You can download the criterionThreshold.csv file in English.

Code Title Description
minimumScore Minimum score

The number is a minimum score that bids or expressions of interest need to receive for the criterion. For example: "A bid must receive 20 points or more for criterion X."

maximumBids Maximum number of passing bids

The number is the maximum number of bids or expressions of interest that can pass the criterion. For example: "A bid must receive one of the highest 3 scores for criterion X."


You can download the criterionWeight.csv file in English.

Code Title Description
percentageExact Weight (percentage, exact)

The number is an exact percentage. The numbers must add up to 100.

percentageRangeMiddle Weight (percentage, middle of a range)

The weighting is expressed as a range of percentages. The sum of the minima must be less than or equal to 100. The sum of the maxima must be equal to or greater than 100.

decimalExact Weight (decimal, exact)

The number is an exact finite decimal proper fraction. The numbers must add up to 1.

decimalRangeMiddle Weight (decimal, middle of a range)

The weighting is expressed as a range of finite decimal proper fractions. The sum of the minima must be less than or equal to 1. The sum of the maxima must be equal to or greater than 1.

pointsExact Weight (points, exact)

The weighting is expressed as an exact number of points.

pointsRangeMiddle Weight (points, middle of a range)

The weighting is expressed as a range of numbers of points.

order Order of importance

The number indicates an order of importance.