
You can download the release-schema.json file in English.


The extension defines these fields in the Lot object from the Lots extension:

Field Title Description Type(s)
awardCriteria Award criteria

Information about the award criteria for the lot.

AwardCriteria object


The extension defines these fields in the LotGroup object from the Lots extension:

Field Title Description Type(s)
awardCriteria Award criteria

Information about the award criteria for the lot.

AwardCriteria object


The extension defines a new AwardCriteria object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
weightingDescription Complicated weighting description

When the weighting cannot be expressed per criterion, the mathematical equation (or other description) that expresses the complicated (e.g. non-linear) weighting.

orderRationale Justification for order of importance

The justification for only indicating the award criteria's order of importance, not their weighting.

criteria Award criteria

The award criteria.

array of AwardCriterion objects


The extension defines a new AwardCriterion object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
type Type

The aspect of the bid that the criterion concerns.

string from open awardCriterionType codelist
name Name

The name of the criterion.

description Description

The description of the criterion.

numbers Numbers

Numbers linked to the criterion.

array of CriterionNumber objects


The extension defines a new CriterionNumber object with these fields:

Field Title Description Type(s)
number Number

The number.

weight Weight

Whether the number is a type of weight.

string from closed criterionWeight codelist
fixed Fixed

Whether the number is a fixed value.

string from closed awardCriterionFixed codelist
threshold Threshold

Whether the number is a type of threshold.

string from closed criterionThreshold codelist