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Showing 68 extensions from the extension registry

Additional Contact Points

For providing multiple contact points for an organization, or for providing the available languages of a contact point. For example, it may be used to provide a contact point for each language.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Amendment rationale classifications

Adds a field to the amendment object to classify the rationale for the amendment.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Award criteria breakdown

Adds an award criteria array to the lot object, to break down award criteria by price, cost and quality.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Beneficial owners

Adds a beneficialOwners array to the organization object to indicate the beneficial owners of an organization.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Bid opening

Adds an object to describe the date, time, place and other details of the bid opening.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Budget Breakdown

Adds a budget breakdown array to the budget object to break down a budget by source and period.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Budget and spending classification

Extends budget breakdown and contract implementation to allow publication of detailed budget allocations and execution for a contracting process, using classifications that can be mapped to separately published budget and spend data.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a charges array to the implementation object to disclose the charges to be incurred by users or government in a given period of a contract.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a communication object to the tender to describe the modalities of communication about key events.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Contract terms

Adds a contract terms object to the tender and lot objects, to describe the terms governing the future contract.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Buyer per award or contract

Adds buyer fields to the award and contract objects to indicate the buyer(s) for an individual award or contract, if different from the buyer(s) involved in the contracting process as a whole.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Contract Completion

Adds fields to the contract implementation section to detail the end date, and final value of a contract.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Contract suppliers

To allow explicit declaration of suppliers within the contracts block. Used when a single award to multiple suppliers results in multiple contracts to a sub-set of those awarded suppliers.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Country code

Adds a country code field to the address object.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Covered By

Adds a field to indicate the treaties that the contracting process is covered by.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Design contest

Adds an object to the tender object to describe a design contest.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Document publisher

Adds a publisher field to the document object.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Document Details

Adds fields to the document object for page references, access details and author information.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Essential assets

Adds a object to the tender object to describe the assets used for the provision of public services.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

European Union

Implements fields and codes that are specific to European law.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Exclusion grounds

Adds an object to describe the criteria to exclude tenderers from participating in a contracting process.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Contract extensions via supplementary contract: extendsContractID

Under some procurement rules and processes, to extend the duration or value of a contract, or to make other substantial alterations, requires a new contract to be signed. This extension allows these relationships between two or more contracts in the same contracting process to be made explicit.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields to disclose the financing of the whole process and its individual contracts.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Some procurement processes consider the specification of guarantees in order to ensure compliance with the terms of a contract. There are many types of guarantees, so we consider the creation of a new extension based on the formats that are required for the Federal Treasury (Mexico). See discussion in https://github.com/open-contracting/standard/issues/651

Maintained by Contrataciones Abiertas México

Implementation status

In Mexico, when talking about works and services related with them it is necessary to publish a set of specific variables about its implementation. One of them is the implementation status of the work or service related with it. See discussion in https://github.com/open-contracting/standard/issues/624

Maintained by Contrataciones Abiertas México

Item attributes

Adds a generic list of attributes to the item object

Maintained by dncp-opendata

Legal basis

Adds fields to the tender object to describe the legal basis of the procedure.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields to the item object relevant to the procurement of medicines.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


The metrics extension supports publication of forecasts (planning stage), targets (tender stage), agreed performance targets (award and contract stage) and results (implementation stage).

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields for information on options.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Organization classification

Adds an array of classification objects to an organization's details in order to categorize it.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Other Requirements

Adds an object to describe other requirements to participate in a contracting process.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a links object to packages, to support pagination.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Organization scale

For classifying organizations as micro, sme or large.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Performance Failures

Adds fields to the implementation section to allow disclosure of an array of contracting performance failures. Based on the performance failures reporting table defined in the World Bank Framework for Disclosure in PPPs.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

OCDS for PPPs Extension

Makes changes required by the OCDS for PPPs profile. Evaluation indicators, finance summary and project details may be moved into new extensions.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


This extension adds a block to describe the procurement procedure.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Procurement method rationale classifications

Adds an array to the tender object to classify the procurement method rationale.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a project object to the planning object to describe the infrastructure or public-private partnership (PPP) project to which the planning process is related.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields for information on the recurrence of the contracting process.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Release Publisher

Includes the information about the publisher at release level for the cases in that a release-package or record-packages contains releases from different publishers.

Maintained by CompraNet


Adds a sources array to indicate the information systems from which the data originates.

Maintained by ONCAETI


Adds fields to describe the options for the renewal of contracts.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields to express the Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV).

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Risk Allocation

For providing the risk allocations defined in a public private partnership's contract.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Second stage description

Adds a second stage object to the tender and lot objects, to describe the second stage of a two-stage procedure.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Selection Criteria

Adds an object to describe the conditions for participation in a contracting process.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds company ownership fields to the organization object used in the parties array.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a signatories array to the contract object, for when the signatories differ from the buyer for the contracting process and the suppliers for the award.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a top-level statistics array to describe statistics about the contracting process.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Status Details

Add a statusDetails field to Tender, Award and Contract object

Maintained by dncp-opendata


Adds objects for information about the terms governing subcontracting and the parts of the contract that tenderers and suppliers will subcontract to third parties.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Submission terms

Adds a submission terms object to the tender and lot objects, to describe how, when and where the tenderers must submit their bids.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds a suitability object to the tender, lot and lot group objects to describe their suitability to different types of tenderers.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields to the tender and lot objects, to provide information related to Sustainable Public Procurement.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields to the contract and implementation objects to capture details of the tariffs, tolls and user fees set out in the contract and in use throughout the life of the project.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions


Adds fields to the tender, lot and lot group objects to describe the use of techniques, such as framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems and electronic auctions.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Tender classification

Adds an array of classification objects to the tender object, in order to categorize the procedure or call-off as a whole.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Tender Date Published

Adds a date field to indicate when the tender was published.

Maintained by Portal EDCA HN

Transaction related milestones

Adds a relatedImplementationMilestone field to transaction objects, so that payments against a contract can be linked with an implementation milestone.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Unstructured changes

Adds an unstructuredChanges array to the Amendment object.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions

Withheld information

Adds a top-level withheld information array to describe items of information whose publication is temporarily or permanently withheld.

Maintained by Open Contracting Data Standard Extensions